Teaching Vacancies
Primary School Headteacher – South Yorkshire
Key Responsibilities
- Qualified Teacher Status
- Evidence of recent and relevant continuing professional development including leadership
- Leading the raising of standards in teaching and learning
- Strategic leadership in building and maintaining effective relationships with Governors, parents, the community and LA
- Strategic planning and resource management
- Leading school improvement planning and self-evaluation
- Leading and managing successful change
- Experience of full primary age range
- Managing Personnel and Health/Safety issues
- Curriculum leadership experience
- Proven outstanding teaching ability
- Recent experience as a successful senior leader in the primary phase
Skills and Expertise
- Models of effective teaching and learning
- Models of behaviour and attendance management
- Up to date knowledge of the National Curriculum (& EYFS curriculum)
- Safeguarding requirements
- Current educational priorities, legislation, research and developments
- Strategies to promote individual and team development
- School improvement strategies to include raising attainment, data analysis, target setting and appraisal
- Financial planning and budget management
- Successful management strategies for monitoring the quality of teaching and learning, pupil outcomes and the quality of provision
- Developed vision and philosophy to include inclusion, ethos, communication, behaviour, school improvement and diversity
- School self-evaluation and its relationship with the process of school development and improvement
- The work of other agencies and opportunities for successful collaboration with them
- Working with, and understanding the role of school Governors
- Outstanding strategic leadership skills
- Ability to lead, monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning
- Collaborative partnership working to secure the commitment and support of the wider community
- Effective interpersonal and communication skills (including written, oral, ICT and presentation)
- The delivery (use and impact) of new technologies to support teaching and learning
- Highly developed organisational, self-management and time management skills
- Ability to motivate, enthuse and empower staff and pupils
- Proven ability to think creatively to anticipate and to identify problems and needs and to construct solutions
- Resilient, empathetic, approachable, strong interpersonal skills, passionate about inclusion
- Open to innovation and willingness to take onboard different views
Job Facilities/Benefits
- Welcoming, nurturing environment
- Vibrant and dynamic place to work and learn
- Large site with excellent facilities (sports hall, outdoor learning areas, extensive grounds, reading room, refurbished staffroom)
- Stimulating and inclusive learning environment
- Inclusion at the heart of the school
- High level of deprivation, range of additional support for children and parents
- Internal inclusion panel, pastoral team, mental health coach
- Range of programs (Thrive, parenting programs)
- Highly developed Life Skills Curriculum, enrichment activities, sports and after school clubs
- Excellent working relationships with parents, community groups, outside agencies and the Local Authority
- Collaboration with 3 other local schools (peer reviews, expertise sharing, training, staff secondments)