Teaching Vacancies
In selecting candidates for interview and eventual selection, the school will be looking for teachers with relevant education, experience, job-related knowledge, aptitudes, and skills, and many of the personal qualities listed below. The school welcomes applications from teachers who consider they could meet most, if not all, the requirements listed.
What the school offers its staff
The School promotes an inclusive philosophy with a clear focus on enthusing as many students as possible to engage in and enjoy PE, Physical Activity and School Sport. “Excellence for some, competition for many and participation for all”. We are proud of the school’s growing sporting reputation.
Current areas of development in the department include the investigating and sharing of high-quality teaching and learning with a continuous focus on enjoyment and participation, along with revamping our KS3 Curriculum offer and how we assess. The department also continues to develop academic PE with A-Level and GCSE lessons.
Commitment to safeguarding
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Any successful applicant will be required to undertake and Enhanced Disclosure check by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). We will also carry out an online search about you for information that is publicly available including social media accounts.